To apply for our savings products you can do so by using our online application form or by printing and completing the required application form and posting them back to The Society. Proof of identity is required for all applicants before we can open an account. We will try to verify your identity and address electronically however if we are not able to do this then an original form of ID is required. Please refer to Proving Your Identity for acceptable identification. Where you can only produce copies of ID then they must be certified copies (see * below for more information).
Along with your completed application form you can send us a cheque with your deposit or we can contact you to take a debit card payment over the telephone.
Changing your details, closing an account or maybe a lost your passbook? Just print out & complete one of our forms below, send it on to us and we’ll do the rest.
*Acceptable Form & ID Certification by:
Local or County Councillor
Minister of Religion
Bank/Building Society Official
Independent Financial Advisor
Post Office
Police Officer
Each document must be the certified with:
- Having ‘Certified to be a true copy of the original & I can confirm the ID is in true likeness to the person’ on the document.
- Signed and dated within the last 3 months.
- Printing their name under the signature clearly.
- Adding their occupation, business address, and telephone number.
The person certifying the document may charge a fee which will not be reimbursed and may also be contacted by The Society to validate the information provided.
Terms & Conditions
Application Forms
Important Forms

Change of Name

Change of Address


Standing Order Mandate

ISA Transfer In Form

Lost Passbook Form

Proving Your Identity